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007Trainie's Application

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007Trainie's Application Empty 007Trainie's Application

Post by 007Trainie Sun Mar 13, 2011 4:46 pm

In-game name:007Trainie
In-game level:30
Average playing a day:3-4 hours (depends on the day)
Are you Able to download Raidcall 5.1.8 :yes
You got a Mic? :yes
Can you play 1support,Tank,Ad,AP char?:yes or more
Rating: 3vs3: 1343 soloQ 5vs5: 1446 Premade 5vs5: 1326
Extra information: I am looking for a group too play with becouse that's more fun than playing alone, trying too improve my skills and hoping to be an asset too the excisting team(s)

Aantal berichten : 16
Punten : 20
Registratiedatum : 2011-03-13
Leeftijd : 33

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007Trainie's Application Empty Re: 007Trainie's Application

Post by Tweekz Mon Mar 14, 2011 1:03 am

Hello there , can you add 'Golden Tweekz' , 'Unownist' , 'Exania' , 'Lloyd1' in-game? we will play a testmatch and see if u can start ur one week trial.

Aantal berichten : 474
Punten : 591
Registratiedatum : 2011-02-07
Leeftijd : 28
Woonplaats : Tongeren (Belgium)

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