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Keizje Empty Keizje

Post by keizje Thu Apr 21, 2011 9:38 am

Name: Keirun Quinn
In-game name: Keizje
In-game level: 30
Age: 17
Location: The UK, Wales
Average playing a day: usually 4 hrs +
Are you Able to download Raidcall 5.1.8 : if needed yes Razz
You got a Mic? : yes
Can you play 1support,Tank,Ad,AP char?: Yes
Rating: 1251 elo in solo
Extra information (Why do u want in , etc.. ) I want a better gaming experiance, make new friends and a full team. Pissed off at leavers and flamers that ruin the game affraid


Aantal berichten : 1
Punten : 3
Registratiedatum : 2011-04-21

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