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Laier on laier binding, support team.

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Laier on laier binding, support team. Empty Laier on laier binding, support team.

Post by Exania Sun Apr 24, 2011 3:04 am

ok we come to a part in primal history were team setup planing is ''needed''..

this team setup I will present is a binding support combo team it relays heavy on combos (something primal need to train) thats partly why I did this team. it has good cc and support and if played right and with good timings it as a good damage output..

now to the setup...

Tank: Amumu..
sec tank fys dps: Jarvan..
1 Support healer: Soraka..
2 Support healer: Kayle..
nuke/sheeld support: lux..

ok now we have the setup. well it do look a little weak dont it Razz but no worries, its not..

this team can be laind setup on allot of ways. like amumu can jungle if he likes.. we have lux and kayle to mid.. jarvan, lux and kayle can solo if needed..

then how do the team operate?
in the laining phase of the game its mostly passiv defensive play becos the team is based on 5 man combos and is not good until mid/lait game..

then mid/lait game.. I think I best explains this with an example..

an example on 5v5 combat.. Amumu gos in try to bind as many as possible in ulti, and when this is done its most of the time 2-3 enemys that stands near each other this is when jarvan try to bind as many of them as possible in hes ulti. that was the binding combo.

amumu can now if he likes use his stun toss to get inside the ring and help jarvan.
jarvan and amumu will at all times have healing/sheeld support from kayle, lux and soraka..

tho now when 2-3 enemy's is inside jarvans ulti they will try to get out. becos being hit by jarvan, amumu, kyle, lux and soraka hurts..

let me braik it down for you.. jarvan and his spear makes the enemys lose armor.. soraka and starcall makes enemys lose magic resistens..

kayle do range aoe fys and magic damage.. jarvan can do nice fys dmg.. amumu do sweet magic aoe damage..
lux can do a nice nuking combo with her spells.. thos 2-3 enemys inside jarvans ulti WILL die, if they dont escape..

now preventing escape from jarvans ulti.. is sorakas silenc, lux binding and amumu stun. simpel right Razz

maby not so simpel this needs training on the combos and combo timings, thats why this is a good team training setup.

and if we manage to perfect this setup we can NOT lose 5v5 head on fights..

tell me what you like and dont like about it. and lets try it out and see what happens Very Happy

Aantal berichten : 227
Punten : 260
Registratiedatum : 2011-02-08
Leeftijd : 36
Woonplaats : sweden

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Laier on laier binding, support team. Empty Re: Laier on laier binding, support team.

Post by Unownist Sun Apr 24, 2011 3:15 am

Ive been thinking about a few team setups myself.


3 HUGE Area damages , 1 off tanks , Loads of cc and damage.

ur team setup is nice to exania Smile

Aantal berichten : 420
Punten : 537
Registratiedatum : 2011-02-07
Leeftijd : 30
Woonplaats : Sumonners rift

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Laier on laier binding, support team. Empty Re: Laier on laier binding, support team.

Post by Tweekz Sun Apr 24, 2011 3:18 am

If jarvan and mumu are in the jarvan ult and 1or 2 are out they will nuke soraka , and u will have to drop the ring on the others :/

Aantal berichten : 474
Punten : 591
Registratiedatum : 2011-02-07
Leeftijd : 28
Woonplaats : Tongeren (Belgium)

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Laier on laier binding, support team. Empty Re: Laier on laier binding, support team.

Post by Wakka Sun Apr 24, 2011 3:24 am

Tank: Amumu
Offtank: Nunu
Mage: Fiddle
AD carry: MF
AP Carry: Kathus

Now thats the area combo lol.

Aantal berichten : 234
Punten : 248
Registratiedatum : 2011-02-08

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Laier on laier binding, support team. Empty Re: Laier on laier binding, support team.

Post by Wakka Sun Apr 24, 2011 3:27 am


Tank: Amumu
Offtank: Sion
AD Carry: Ashe
AP Carry: Veigar
Assasin: Evelynn

its like Amumu roots, then veigar stuns and if they are not aced there are still 3 more stuns left :DD

Aantal berichten : 234
Punten : 248
Registratiedatum : 2011-02-08

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Laier on laier binding, support team. Empty Re: Laier on laier binding, support team.

Post by Exania Sun Apr 24, 2011 3:34 am

Tweekz wrote:If jarvan and mumu are in the jarvan ult and 1or 2 are out they will nuke soraka , and u will have to drop the ring on the others :/

no that will not be nessesary becos thos inside jarvans ulti will die befor jarvans uli can end.. and soraka will be needed to go a little defenciv and aora support items.. + kayle as a sec support will have soraka and lux under her protection.. if you realy like it but dont see the ring of protection I can braik it down for you even more to specify more on how it works and what items the champs will be needing..

the only thing this team setup lack is a huge burst dmg, but they shud have enough dmg to kill most champs in a short period of time becos of jarvan and sorakas armor and magic resistens redusment skills..

Aantal berichten : 227
Punten : 260
Registratiedatum : 2011-02-08
Leeftijd : 36
Woonplaats : sweden

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Laier on laier binding, support team. Empty Re: Laier on laier binding, support team.

Post by Exania Sun Apr 24, 2011 3:36 am

and dudes do like me plz make your own post of your setup were you explain how it works and why.. xD making it easy to see what and why you like the setup..

I did NOT make this post for you to spam champion setups and not making a good explanation about it..

Aantal berichten : 227
Punten : 260
Registratiedatum : 2011-02-08
Leeftijd : 36
Woonplaats : sweden

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Laier on laier binding, support team. Empty Re: Laier on laier binding, support team.

Post by Wakka Sun Apr 24, 2011 3:43 am

lol my fantasy starts!

Tank: Singed
Offtank: Mordekaiser
Assasin: Teemo
AD Carry: Urgot/Twitch
AP Carry/Mage: Cassiopeia

damage over time team... and they keep everyyone poisined so Cassio can spam twin fang.


Tank: Shen
Offtank: Nocturne
Assasin Pantheon
AD Carry: Twisted Fate
AP Carry: Karthus

Nocturne ult, Karthus ult, an suddenly a porting TF and an ultin Pantheon wth Shen ulti on him IN UR FACE.

I have other ideas!

Tank: Rammus
Offtank: Shen
AP Carry/Support: Galio (its viable, stfu)
AD Carry: Sivir
Assasin: Evelynn

this is what i call a thornmail team :DD


Tank: Shen
Offtank: Mundo
AD Carry: Xin Zhao
AP Carry: Vladimir
Support: Alistar

this is what I call a WE ALL OVER 4k HP team Very Happy

There is more!

Tank: Alistar
AP carry: Gragas
AD Carry: Tristana
Support: Janna
Offtank: Singed/Blitz

Football team Very Happy


Tank: Maokai
AP Carry: Anivia
AD Carry: Kog'Maw
Support: Taric
Assassin: Akali

the last one is for you to guess.

Aantal berichten : 234
Punten : 248
Registratiedatum : 2011-02-08

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Laier on laier binding, support team. Empty Re: Laier on laier binding, support team.

Post by Exania Sun Apr 24, 2011 3:47 am

aww god damit can some one delete wakkas posts plz Sad

I hope that you did the spam post just to be anoing.. if not, then im sorry to say that you are an disrespectful idiot........ -.-

Aantal berichten : 227
Punten : 260
Registratiedatum : 2011-02-08
Leeftijd : 36
Woonplaats : sweden

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Laier on laier binding, support team. Empty Re: Laier on laier binding, support team.

Post by Wakka Sun Apr 24, 2011 4:10 am

well i thought it needs no explanation since its kind of obvious. Sorry. May I write it?

Aantal berichten : 234
Punten : 248
Registratiedatum : 2011-02-08

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Laier on laier binding, support team. Empty Re: Laier on laier binding, support team.

Post by Exania Sun Apr 24, 2011 4:46 am

Exania wrote:and dudes do like me plz make your own post of your setup were you explain how it works and why.. xD making it easy to see what and why you like the setup..

I did NOT make this post for you to spam champion setups and not making a good explanation about it..
......okej...... ^<-- LOOK!

if you want to make teamsetups do you own post plz... if I whod have waned setup tips or suggestions I whod have made the post name like ''teamsetups'' or '' teamsetup suggestions'' or some thing similar.. plz have some respect..

Aantal berichten : 227
Punten : 260
Registratiedatum : 2011-02-08
Leeftijd : 36
Woonplaats : sweden

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Laier on laier binding, support team. Empty Re: Laier on laier binding, support team.

Post by Wakka Sun Apr 24, 2011 4:48 am

well you havent specified that this topick is only for your setup and unownists post made me confuse O.o Sorry.

Aantal berichten : 234
Punten : 248
Registratiedatum : 2011-02-08

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Laier on laier binding, support team. Empty Re: Laier on laier binding, support team.

Post by Exania Sun Apr 24, 2011 4:55 am

Wakka wrote:well you havent specified that this topick is only for your setup and unownists post made me confuse O.o Sorry.

ye one 2 setup post is fine but dude you posted a fucking LIST! and you did it AFTER! I wrote plz dont spam setups... and sorry about being hard about it but seriously dude, READ!!

Aantal berichten : 227
Punten : 260
Registratiedatum : 2011-02-08
Leeftijd : 36
Woonplaats : sweden

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Laier on laier binding, support team. Empty Re: Laier on laier binding, support team.

Post by Setsuno Sun Apr 24, 2011 7:31 am

NO to any of above team compositions

Aantal berichten : 63
Punten : 66
Registratiedatum : 2011-03-08
Leeftijd : 30

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Laier on laier binding, support team. Empty Re: Laier on laier binding, support team.

Post by Exania Sun Apr 24, 2011 7:57 am

ye this is so fucking sweet I try to help primal by doing a combo training team.. what happens spam and negativity... and Setsuno plz state why on your no post...

Aantal berichten : 227
Punten : 260
Registratiedatum : 2011-02-08
Leeftijd : 36
Woonplaats : sweden

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Laier on laier binding, support team. Empty Re: Laier on laier binding, support team.

Post by Unownist Sun Apr 24, 2011 7:58 am

Exania wrote:ye this is so fucking sweet I try to help primal by doing a combo training team.. what happens spam and negativity... and Setsuno plz state why on your no post...

He was talkin bout Wakkas post

Aantal berichten : 420
Punten : 537
Registratiedatum : 2011-02-07
Leeftijd : 30
Woonplaats : Sumonners rift

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Laier on laier binding, support team. Empty Re: Laier on laier binding, support team.

Post by Setsuno Sun Apr 24, 2011 8:03 am

k Smile 3 support no real AP carry, low CC, No AD carry!

Aantal berichten : 63
Punten : 66
Registratiedatum : 2011-03-08
Leeftijd : 30

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Laier on laier binding, support team. Empty Re: Laier on laier binding, support team.

Post by SuperSaiyan Sun Apr 24, 2011 8:03 am

Tank: Amumu ( good passive and nice ulti and stun )
support: morgana ( double stun and shield )
jungle: Warwick ( fast jungle , nice stun and team abilty )
AD Carry: ashe or caitlyn ( ashe for stun and slow , cait for traps and fast push )
AP Mage: veigar ( stun and burst damage )


Aantal berichten : 145
Punten : 158
Registratiedatum : 2011-02-09
Leeftijd : 35
Woonplaats : bornem

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Laier on laier binding, support team. Empty Re: Laier on laier binding, support team.

Post by Exania Sun Apr 24, 2011 8:08 am

o god damit I give up, do what ever you fucking like....... do not expect me to post any more suggestions or helps or any fucking thing that can help primal teams to become better..

over and fucking out..

Aantal berichten : 227
Punten : 260
Registratiedatum : 2011-02-08
Leeftijd : 36
Woonplaats : sweden

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Laier on laier binding, support team. Empty Re: Laier on laier binding, support team.

Post by Unownist Sun Apr 24, 2011 8:12 am

Exania wrote:o god damit I give up, do what ever you fucking like....... do not expect me to post any more suggestions or helps or any fucking thing that can help primal teams to become better..

over and fucking out..


Aantal berichten : 420
Punten : 537
Registratiedatum : 2011-02-07
Leeftijd : 30
Woonplaats : Sumonners rift

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Laier on laier binding, support team. Empty Re: Laier on laier binding, support team.

Post by Setsuno Sun Apr 24, 2011 8:15 am

RAGEQUIT Razz I am just stating that the team isnt balanced and has no steady dps.

Supersaiyan Wont work. Why would u want amumu lane, its the only thing he doesnt suck at. Morgana is fine but not the best possible pick. And veigar is only used when they got 2 or more strong AP carries and still he requiers so much farm until hes useful if they get strong early game champs they will stomp him on mid

Aantal berichten : 63
Punten : 66
Registratiedatum : 2011-03-08
Leeftijd : 30

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Laier on laier binding, support team. Empty Re: Laier on laier binding, support team.

Post by Exania Sun Apr 24, 2011 8:37 am

Unownist wrote:
Exania wrote:o god damit I give up, do what ever you fucking like....... do not expect me to post any more suggestions or helps or any fucking thing that can help primal teams to become better..

over and fucking out..


no, no fucking chilll... you all dont see the point in it.. its a combo training team..

and setsuno the team have strong cc, a stable dps and superior survivability .. like I wrote before the only thing this setup do not have is a huge burst nuking.. and its is not designed to have.

its a setup that trains how to time combos, how to learn to trust your team m8ts, how to push as a team, how to learn timings on cc, how to kill a team as a team... HOW TO BE A TEAM!!

in this setup you must do combos and you must trust your team for it to work..
I did this becos primal needs to train on how to be a team, on how to execute combos.. becos we bloody suck at it.. I waned to help primals teams to trust and become better as teams. becos its bloody fucking team game.

if you whana go to the ''top'' you need to become a team that trust one and other.. not just run around and have map control and massiv dmg and superior tanking skills.. it wont due.. sorry.

Aantal berichten : 227
Punten : 260
Registratiedatum : 2011-02-08
Leeftijd : 36
Woonplaats : sweden

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Laier on laier binding, support team. Empty Re: Laier on laier binding, support team.

Post by Xcyte Sun Apr 24, 2011 10:25 am

I have to agree with Exania and his team setup ...... also why are all u guys posting other setups ? make ur own thread about it Razz
it's obviously a good setup and not just some OP champs all slapped together hoping they fit.
And i would like to try that setup if we have ppl up for it.

Aantal berichten : 128
Punten : 178
Registratiedatum : 2011-02-09
Leeftijd : 35

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Laier on laier binding, support team. Empty Re: Laier on laier binding, support team.

Post by Exania Sun Apr 24, 2011 2:05 pm

okej I know some of you have some doubt thats why I did this, its to show positions of the champs.. and now you might think wtf is Exania up to, have gone mad for real.. no I have not, but my painting skills is madly bad xD

what I want to say is that positions mater more then you think..
[img]Laier on laier binding, support team. Poions [/img]

and to explain this as easy as possible.. we take Soraka for example were she is standing in the pic she can heal all in the team by moving just a little same for Kayle.. and thats easy.. Lux can from her position easy throw sheeld on any one in the team or even all and becos of her long spell range she is perfect for the back.

ok that was an simpel say about the supports.. btw remember that its an aprox about were they stand.. we will be moving around to dodge skill shots and small aoe and similar stuff. is just to show were the champ ~ shud be..

now Amumu and Jarvan. from there position they can defend every one, Amumu with his stun toss and Jarvan with his flag thingy Razz
they can also easy attack from were they are..

now we need to remember if we stand still we die xD so the positions are ofcorse not fixed.. but we need to stop randomly run around its not helping and might even kill the team.. becos if amumu runs to far away from supports he dont have any support and might die same for every one..

so the team well be needing to go close but not to close becos that will make em fall for aoe cc.. and that is exactly why positions are important. becos moving in a team were every one have to ''move as one'' can make cc from enemy to be nothing and easy counter attacking start..

example: Sion runs out from bush and stuns Soraka. she is stuned for 1.5 sec and damage for lets say 300. now were lux is standin she can easy hit Sion with her bind making him stand still for = long time and at the same time Kayle have heald Soraka for lets say 200.
and the enemy team will probably try to finish what Sion started.
all we need to do is move a little back and the enemys will run after, this is were Amumu go a little forward and ulti, boom enemys stuck. Jarvan follows with his ulti ofcors on a carry or support or nuker or all 3.. at this moment enemys do two things 1 try to escape 2 try to kill some one. the target will most probably be Soraka becos she is already damaged. well if there tank go for Soraka ok she can take that beating for a short period.
at the same time Soraka geting hit by lets say Shen, Lux is throwing her E spell in Jarvans ulti followed by her ulti thats about 1600 nuke boom. and that hitting say MF and Vaigar to be optimistic.. and at the same time Jarvan and Kayle is hitting them with some steady attacks = thay are dead after 2-4 sec.

then por Soraka.. hehe no.. vaigar and mf dead Soraka almost dead becos sion and shen is beating her to a pulp. kayle do ulti on soraka and heals her boom stun and tuant is of boom she heals her self.. but before the tuant weres of Amumu have hopefully attacked Sion and when mf and vaigar dead lux, and kayle will go for sion making short work of him.. shen is probebly on his way to frendly turret were the last team m8 have retreated to.

we push minions and at the same time heal the team up. we probably push the turret to. becos 2v5... and maby even next turret. becos we can be in more sustained combat then they can.

Aantal berichten : 227
Punten : 260
Registratiedatum : 2011-02-08
Leeftijd : 36
Woonplaats : sweden

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Laier on laier binding, support team. Empty Re: Laier on laier binding, support team.

Post by Unownist Sun Apr 24, 2011 2:22 pm

I agree on the positions and I did read what you said but imo when the gankfight would start lux should throw heer shield and then switch places with soraka.

Aantal berichten : 420
Punten : 537
Registratiedatum : 2011-02-07
Leeftijd : 30
Woonplaats : Sumonners rift

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Laier on laier binding, support team. Empty Re: Laier on laier binding, support team.

Post by Sponsored content

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