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Bus stops , i step out. Ready to begin the new life

ii FEMTO ii
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Bus stops , i step out. Ready to begin the new life Empty Bus stops , i step out. Ready to begin the new life

Post by Tweekz Thu May 05, 2011 10:50 am

I think this is it.
I started as a noobie , still a noobie. i tried to setup a clan writing an application on the Lol forums. Cyberia1, lloyd1 and exaniawere the first ones to answer ,people as those will make it to higher ELO. Then my irl friend and a friend to keep IRL helped me like a G6 with the clan , We grow so much as rata's sentence: u guys kept flowing then i could change socks."Jayvee the wise" entered and was a wise man, but eventually left for a higher german clan. We upgraded skype to Raidcall, we made a forum. I was so happy i couldn't stop annoying daan with talking 24/7 on school about you guys.100's of applications later akrus came. Good kiddo, a keeper. as last one to the original application there was a minion fucking whore stealer called "naruto" owning with renekton , making u pee in ur bed as kennen.
On the way now i can't remember but i'll figure it. We found our "MMA wrestling owning every champ player, II femto II" He carried me to 1279 ELO , still having it after 4months. on the bus stop to awesomesauce town i picked up fresh meat called "supersaiyan , he's caitlyn will make u cry like a baby". i found ratamahata and xcyte, Ratamahata is funzor and xcyte is a god , i'm moving to ur place br0. I found the coolest guy with a willpower as strong as allistar his ulti , called HOK WAKKA. no matter what u say he won't give up and train like a baws and faceroll u like a G6.
Found the hotshotGG nanking playing nidalee perfect. Eeuhm who's left? 0_0 SETSUNO93 , he belongs to a 1700ELO clan Fo sure.Ah and the crabby ofocurse , if i ever see u again on mid with veigar imma ragequit tha game. Last but defenitely not least , Rubinen and 007Trainie awesomesauce amumu and shen , keep going for 2100ELO bro's.

We are having disagreements , and it's not going well. and as the title says i will prolly leave cuz of losing good friends.
But what i ask myself is Why did u join? u all have the potential for a 1600+ ELO clan and u joined a 800ELO solo queue nerd setting up a clan without a decent voice chat or forum if daan wasn't here.
What made u come?

Aantal berichten : 474
Punten : 591
Registratiedatum : 2011-02-07
Leeftijd : 28
Woonplaats : Tongeren (Belgium)

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Bus stops , i step out. Ready to begin the new life Empty Re: Bus stops , i step out. Ready to begin the new life

Post by Unownist Thu May 05, 2011 11:03 am

Tweekz wrote:
What made u come?

well that was that epic porn video I saw last night It was so epic..

what.. not talkin bout porn?

Aantal berichten : 420
Punten : 537
Registratiedatum : 2011-02-07
Leeftijd : 30
Woonplaats : Sumonners rift

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Bus stops , i step out. Ready to begin the new life Empty Re: Bus stops , i step out. Ready to begin the new life

Post by NarutoKyuubiForm Thu May 05, 2011 11:11 am

man i just wanted to join a clan... didn't know it was this noobish... i am outta here... xD
nah just kidding man. i just saw your clan and wanted to join didnt rly care just wanted some clan thingy cuz my friends " dont want to be tied down by a time and a place to be and play" they are good but have no spirit and dont want to go far like i do. and a lot of you guys i know want to go far and even farther than we are right now.
i like you tweekz and daan, you are the best leaders that a guy like me could get, seriously you guys are just awesome. and so i write this long text which explain my feelings towards this clan and i rly hope you change your mind, so i can keep minion steal from you xD mwahahaha. but whatever you choose i will respect you for it Very Happy
yours sincerely Naruto -Itami Very Happy

Aantal berichten : 131
Punten : 144
Registratiedatum : 2011-03-12
Leeftijd : 32

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Bus stops , i step out. Ready to begin the new life Empty Re: Bus stops , i step out. Ready to begin the new life

Post by Terzinho Thu May 05, 2011 11:18 am

well... when I was searching for some clan at first I was checking if they had a forum. the first three ones didnt had one so I didnt take them seriously. then I saw Primal on the official forum - and luckily for them(you) they had a forum(jk).

Aantal berichten : 142
Punten : 151
Registratiedatum : 2011-02-12
Leeftijd : 35
Woonplaats : Croatia

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Bus stops , i step out. Ready to begin the new life Empty Re: Bus stops , i step out. Ready to begin the new life

Post by ii FEMTO ii Thu May 05, 2011 11:49 am

I dont think as many people care as much about ELO as you think. I joined this clan because its the first one i found and stuck with it simply because i wanted to have people to play this game with. Thats all Smile its been fun and thats why im here. Getting high ELO is fun too but im never gonna join elitist fucktards to try and get it higher ^^
ii FEMTO ii
ii FEMTO ii

Aantal berichten : 21
Punten : 25
Registratiedatum : 2011-02-17
Leeftijd : 36

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Bus stops , i step out. Ready to begin the new life Empty Re: Bus stops , i step out. Ready to begin the new life

Post by 007Trainie Thu May 05, 2011 11:49 am

for short fun,
and the games i played with you al where very funny alot of laughing and just having fun and that's way more important than having a nice rating too look at.

Aantal berichten : 16
Punten : 20
Registratiedatum : 2011-03-13
Leeftijd : 33

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Bus stops , i step out. Ready to begin the new life Empty Re: Bus stops , i step out. Ready to begin the new life

Post by Xcyte Thu May 05, 2011 12:01 pm

I just joined to make friends and have some fun games Smile
I have no intentions for competitive gaming Razz
the friend i've played online with for 2 years quit playing so i needed to find some friendly guys to play with Smile and i did.

Aantal berichten : 128
Punten : 178
Registratiedatum : 2011-02-09
Leeftijd : 35

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Bus stops , i step out. Ready to begin the new life Empty Re: Bus stops , i step out. Ready to begin the new life

Post by SuperSaiyan Thu May 05, 2011 12:04 pm

i cannot say really much about this :s think its sad , but yeah , u have to change ur ways into what u want , and i agree with femto for real, i don't care about elo , i was having fun with xcyte and much other in this clan , and i hope u'll change your mind

Aantal berichten : 145
Punten : 158
Registratiedatum : 2011-02-09
Leeftijd : 35
Woonplaats : bornem

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Bus stops , i step out. Ready to begin the new life Empty Re: Bus stops , i step out. Ready to begin the new life

Post by Unownist Thu May 05, 2011 12:12 pm

go play WoW.. pfoeh , nerd.. Death knight.. pfoeh


dont do it

Aantal berichten : 420
Punten : 537
Registratiedatum : 2011-02-07
Leeftijd : 30
Woonplaats : Sumonners rift

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Bus stops , i step out. Ready to begin the new life Empty Re: Bus stops , i step out. Ready to begin the new life

Post by Wakka Thu May 05, 2011 12:32 pm

why did i come... tbh i wanted to belong to somewhere. Why did i stay, despite all the deep shit happening.. is more important.

Life taught me that best way to solve problems is encounter them again and again instead of dodging them. Like if you dont play ranked cuz of noobs.. then u will never get a rating.

Well honestly I did know from almost my start that this will probably not be a hardly serious clan but whatever, this is just a fucking game. So i was like okay, lets begin with some less serious thing.

But i 100% disagree with tweekz decision of LEAVING the clan. Chickening out like loyd. Hope you will change ur decision, our games were always epic. even if I raged, i still remember those games as GG.

So what i really want to see from you is to take a deep breath, shake your head and think a bit. Take these questions for yourself:

Where we started and where we at?
Why do we got here?
Is that good?
If no, how can I (You , tweekie) change that?
Do I even have to change that?

Sorry for long post but I think its kinda necessary. There are thing which everybody sees but rarely mentions. Like the complete fail of trainings. Nobody improved, except a few rarity. But dude, you are too young to be perfect. I mean wtf. A kid leading us? You are not fuking Joan of Arc.

I made 10000x more terrible mistakes than you Tweekz, when I was the same age as you. And I still make mistakes. But I never give up. What I really want to tell you, the reason of this long post is to make everyone think im dead serious, can be esssentially shrined to a kind of rude but really deep-heart sentence of mine:

Bro.. you went too deep in this shit to just leave it, you made friends, you have a community, a family, a clan! Not working perfectly SO WHAT??

One more side note:

I recommend to give up all the professional looking shit. lets be a fun clan, no leaders, no trials, all anarchistical, all random.. all fun. No responsibility, no problem. And if you want a serious clan, then give the leadership to the highly experienced AND older players:

or Setsuno.

and lastly.. if all else fails. then make a new fun clan with your new FRIENDS.

Mine are:

Tweekz ("Teemos is so fluffy now, yaaaay" <3)
Daan (too pro for a kiddo)
Akrus (<3333333)
Nanking (he made me join<3)
Terzi (ty for having duo q)
Femto (pro advices always work)
Noobzin (Shaco carry <3)
Ratatatatatatatatatata (epic guy)
Naruto (steals my minions but i dont give a fuk anymore, we still win)

and many others.

dont leave.



or i kill myself.

...and you after that.

Aantal berichten : 234
Punten : 248
Registratiedatum : 2011-02-08

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Bus stops , i step out. Ready to begin the new life Empty Re: Bus stops , i step out. Ready to begin the new life

Post by Xcyte Thu May 05, 2011 1:13 pm

Don't leave the clan dude.....even if u had a fight with some1 , friends fight but they can also forgive and forget.
And also something for every1 to understand:
Have u played a game with a person in this clan ? Have u had fun with a person in this clan ? Ever communicated on raidcall and made jokes with a person in this clan ?
Why throw that away in a stupid argument about a game and something that does not affect you , your personal life or your game account in any possible way.
And this message would be directed to every1 becuz i've seen too manny guys here fight and argue about '' Nothing ''.
And this '' Nothing '' leads to good ppl leaving the clan untill ''Fun'' becomes ''Too serious and booring''.

Aantal berichten : 128
Punten : 178
Registratiedatum : 2011-02-09
Leeftijd : 35

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Bus stops , i step out. Ready to begin the new life Empty Re: Bus stops , i step out. Ready to begin the new life

Post by Exania Thu May 05, 2011 6:05 pm

hmm I think Im in the wrong clan, a wth this dudes are cool I stick around a bit longer.. xD

when I joined I was in search for a serious clan that know what the game is about.. did I find it? no, not rely.. and I know it will probably never be but hay Im having fun so its ok.. but I always gets stuck in different clans becos of cool dudes..

one thing I do hope is that you all learned some thing from me.. I know you all learned me some thing..

and that's one of the points of living, learn and teach.

and Tweekz if you feel that you goten this exp in your life and whant to move on, do it! becos sooner or laiter you hafto even if you whant it or not, life is changing all the time every sec, go with the flow or ''stuck in time and die''.. do what you feel is right dont be sad about ''leaving'' ppl, its part of life you will do it over and over agen.. you will be remembered and you will remember.. nothing is forever, will never be.. you are a strong dude and have my respect gl ^^ you have my support in what ever you whant to do.

Aantal berichten : 227
Punten : 260
Registratiedatum : 2011-02-08
Leeftijd : 36
Woonplaats : sweden

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Bus stops , i step out. Ready to begin the new life Empty Re: Bus stops , i step out. Ready to begin the new life

Post by Terzinho Fri May 06, 2011 2:53 am

so many memories, and they are all good ones. so why stop the fun? Very Happy

we have made quite a little community here with really good quality ppl, not soon forgotten <3 (wtf - not ever forgotten)

Aantal berichten : 142
Punten : 151
Registratiedatum : 2011-02-12
Leeftijd : 35
Woonplaats : Croatia

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Bus stops , i step out. Ready to begin the new life Empty Re: Bus stops , i step out. Ready to begin the new life

Post by Akrus Fri May 06, 2011 10:24 am

Tweeky gonna keep it short.
First of all exept of arguments you are like a lil bro to me chillax about clan its going ok and we are all nerds anyways.
Now about clan thing i joined because 2 reasons i wanted to ahve fun and be serious while doing that. I got that here and im not planing to leave. Now that im cpt of esl ladder there is no fucking way you will get rid of me. But i can say few things and that you leave clan then say bye bye to me too. If clan leader leaves then thats not a clan.


Aantal berichten : 122
Punten : 179
Registratiedatum : 2011-02-10
Leeftijd : 30

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